About Online-Bizz

Online-Bizz is continuously working to provide all existing online and marketing technologies to all businesses and professionals, looking forward to contribute to their success in every market they share. We do this by offering fair prices and rates, help and support at all times and pursuing long term business relations with our clients, suppliers, partners and associates.

Our company understands technology is a fast changing service that requires constant updates and upgrades. Therefore, a universe of freelancers, sub-contractors and partners work along with our projects to provide best solutions as required.

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106-168 Queen Street South, Streetsville, ON L5M 1K8 Canada.

Mobile: 1-647-855-71855

Email: info@online-bizz.com

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Website designed and developed in Wordpress. Fully responsive....

Santo Pecado

Santo Pecado

Transfer domain and web content to a new...

Wander Travel

Wander Travel

Website designed and developed using Wordpress. E-mail &...

24 Hour Thermal Glass

24 Hour Thermal Glass

Website designed and developed in HTML 5. Great...

Sol-Term (Soluciones Termoindustriales)

Sol-Term (Soluciones Termoindustriales)

Website designed and developed and HTML & Flash....

Foca Tires

Foca Tires

Website designed & developed in HTML using XARA...

Dorota Pilkowska

Dorota Pilkowska

Website maintenance and support trhough an existing web...

Tio Corp

Tio Corp

Corporate HTML / Flash based website to act...

EXITO TC Consulting

EXITO TC Consulting

Website designed and developed in full Flash 8....

ENRO International

ENRO International

Existing website was redesigned and simplified upon new...